professional coaching


my story

After few years of inner contemplations, studies and experiences, today I am proudly presenting brand new opportunity for self- development: for you and me. Even coaching is more about YOU, this post will be more about me today.

How did I appear in this path? I guess through many discoveries and looking for my true passion. My mentor from European Commission shared and encouraged me to learn little more about Cognitive Behavioral Coaching. I knew very little back then but when she told me “I really like this Coaching direction because here we talk that by changing our thinking we can change our lives”. How cool is that, I thought? And in that time, I had a lot of thoughts: changing countries to live and work, ending toxic relationship, not being able to understand what I do with my life, you name it. I looked for the way to feel more grounded. I am not telling that Coaching changed my life but that it significantly improved it- yes!

This was my initial inner decision to dig deeper. Later on after three years of learning, traveling to London for my courses, sleeping at my friend’s sofa in nice Londonish flat, getting lost in this big city, exploring life and looking for the answers. For the answers how I can improve my work, my life and where Coaching will bring me.

And here I am, proudly calling myself certified Coach from one of the best Coaching Centers in London or even in all the world. I truly believe that I had the chance to learn from the best professionals who have years and years of experiences in Cognitive Behavioral Coaching and Psychology.

What is Individual Coaching?

I like to call it as a guided discovery where you have a chance to find out the answers to the challenges you have been facing in your life.

It is believed that each person is the best experts of herself. Coach with questions helps to dig deeper, understand the situation better and encourages you to create a better me plan.

What is a better me plan? This answer can be told only by you. Because only YOU know what is needed in your life. And I think it is beautiful.

Here we leave all the boundaries, stereotypes requirements from the society, family, friends, you name it. Here we have a very selfish time for YOU. When was the last time when you actually could concentrate only to yourself and stop. And see. And listen. Who am I? What do I want? What do I really want? Do I really want it or society wants it? The questions are not easy and we are in danger never find true answers. I can definitely assure that the answers will not be found if You will not start looking for it. And if you start today, you are one day closer to it!


my accreditations