Coaching by Raminta2022-03-24T11:10:42+02:00

for women

Individual and group coaching

Wanna book your free discovery call with me ?


topics I am working with

Who am I ?

What are your values, needs and possibilities?

Self- development

In which area you want to grow and find answers?

Self- acceptance

What do you say yourself about yourself in unfortunate life circumstances?

Work/ Life Balance

Do you give enough time for yourself to enjoy life?

Dealing with emotions

What feelings and thoughts have been disturbing you?

Accept your body

What do you think when looking into the mirror?

LEt’s explore you together!


what can you expect?

How individual coaching session looks like?

One hour just for you- how cool is that?

I always say- be selfish and take the most out of this hour. Use it. Talk it through. This is your time and I am going to listen to you. Everything will stay between you and me- coaching session is 100% confidential.

Coach does not give you answers but rather encourage you to dig deeper and find them by yourself. I will use powerful questioning, different visual techniques, coaching methods that will help you to understand yourself and challenge you to move on towards the better version of yourself.

You will have a chance to find out the answers to the challenges you are facing. You know the answers already, believe me. We will find them together.


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